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COB LED components products available

Zeichen vergroessen  Zeichen verkleinern Date:2011-08-15   Ansichten:58

Recently, the introduction of the COB (Chip-on-Board) LED components products. This component compared with now used for LED. "> HTM LED light bulb on the low, medium and high power LED packaging components, can provide energy has LED-work-lamps." > LED HTM energy-saving bulb better shine light source.

In brightness and show color sex on the expression of the COB, light MCPCB substrate and LED collocation more crystal encapsulation, in color temperature under 3000 k, can show more than each tile 95 lm and show color sex 80 (CRI) performance. The color temperature change can also affect the LED lights. ">-HTM LED light source of the homogeneous degree of the COB, in 25 ° C and LED 85 ° C, can control the temperature between color changes in 200 K, this is the industry within the first can put the color temperature control in small range.

Light innovation can achieve high efficiency, COB LED enough lumen output, high show color sex (CRI), long-term light evenly distributed, acceptable price and a traditional light bulb exposure than under the light source of more comfortable environment. In the design when both LED light bulb, heat, color temperature control, temperature, light distribution and price, can want to replace 40 W and 60 W bulb (A traditional bulbs).

In the process, with LED lights for the light source of the COB LED light bulb will than a multiple LED lights for the light source of light bulb to simple. Therefore, the COB technology can quickly to 200 lm / $goal, to meet the cost of LED light bulb conditions.

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